Sunday 12 March 2017



On reflection, I have learnt many things about how the industry operates. I have learnt that within PR, it is important to have a strong relationship with the brands which you represent in order to be on the same level and project the right image for them. It is also beneficial to have a strong contact database with magazines in order to secure regular features in their magazines. The industry is extremely competitive and in order to get your company noticed you have to have a strong department structure, and this is an area Emslie should improve on.


Unfortunately I didn't learn many skills throughout the internship period, however I did learn new terms within PR such as 'Docket' and 'Alert'. I utilised my skills previously learnt through regularly using indesign and writing blogs for the company.


I definitely picked up strengths from the internship such as learning to co operate with characters which I am not use to being around and this definitely opened my eyes to the types of people whom I may come across within the industry. This definitely thickened my skin for when I begin my career path.


I contributed daily to tasks which were needed in order to keep the department structure solid. I curated some interesting blog posts and practiced my layout skills in indesign through the trend reports and presentations I created. I also contributed a positive energy to the work environment.


This internship shaped my career ambitions as I learnt that PR is something that does interest me and I believe I will be good at it, I just wish I got the opportunity to learn and grow within the company, so that I could understand the ins and outs of fashion PR more. I would consider another PR internship, with a larger company.

Krystal x

Wednesday 1 March 2017


Great news this week!

We got another brand on board the Emslie clientele, an international luxury jewellery brand called Maviada.

Due to Maviada being quite a new brand, with a mature nature, they are not really familiar with how social media works when promoting their brand. So my task for today was to put together a presentation of ways they can gain more followers by giving their instagram feed more of a theme/story. I looked at other jewellery brands which are successful on instagram and the types of things they do to gain a fan base.

Krystal x

Wednesday 22 February 2017


Tuesday 14 February 2017


Happy Valentines Day!

Krystal x

Thursday 9 February 2017


Finding new brands to represent:

I spent the day looking in scoop mag and womenswear buyer magazine to find new brands to add to the Emslie Creative family as we are growing and want to increase our client base. I also googled independent stores in Australia and America which suit the style of our Emslie brands. I had to start a presentation of new brands and add to it throughout the upcoming weeks.

I began by creating an excel spreadsheet of names of brands that I think would be right for Emslie.

New Brands Presentation:

Krystal x

Tuesday 7 February 2017


Today I went to a meeting with the stylists New magazine to show them our brands and to see if any of the new collections would be suitable for any upcoming photoshoots or to feature in the magazine as it gives the brand good publicity. Going to the magazine headquarters was an experience as it was really official and we had to be strip searched and all sorts just for a meeting in the building. It was mad, but so much fun.

I went with Katherine and we took a Matt & Nat weekender bag full of samples of each brand as well as an iPad to show our brands featured in magazines in the past on Readly which is an online portal where you can find almost every magazine published and is an easy way to search features easily without bringing individual magazines.

Krystal x

Thursday 2 February 2017


So my task at work today, was to create a trend report to pitch to Matt & Nat displaying the upcoming bag trends for the next season. I looked at bag styles, colour palettes and then successful bloggers that are seen wearing similar bags. 

Krystal x